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February 06, 2009


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Ruth Cressall

La guía pastoral y las asambleas
*He estudiado esta foto y pienso que es una asamblea en Inglaterra. Hay muchas diferencias entre los colegios en Inglaterra y en España. Por ejemplo, los horarios, la hora de la comida y la guía pastoral son todos diferentes.
*En España, no es obligatorio para ir a asamblea, por eso, creo que los profesores españoles, tienen menos responsabilidad. No obstante, en Inglaterra debemos ir a asamblea para que sepamos lo que está pasando al nuestro colegio. No olvides que tenemos quince minutos cada mañana con los amigos en clase y con nuestro profesor para pasar la lista y leer las noticias.
*¿Piensas que necesitamos la guía pastoral?
Personalmente, preferiría llegar al colegio más tarde porque preferiría no tener que asistir a la clase de lista. Sin embargo, es una buena manera lo de empezar el día. A los estudiantes les gusta compartir sus preocupaciones y sus experiencias con el profesor o sus amigos. Creo que ayuda mejorar la confianza en la gente, pero recomiendo que participes en un club de fútbol o de baile. Me parece que las asambleas y la clase de la lista no son esenciales, pero opino que, generalmente, la guía pastoral es una buena cosa. Además, pienso que la siesta es una buena idea, especialmente en el verano, cuando hace más calor.

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Members of the Department

  • Mrs S Temple
    Mrs Temple is a multilingual member of the team. She teaches Spanish, French and German. You may also know Mrs Temple for her work in the local primary schools. She has a year 7 fan club!
  • Mrs L Crossley
    Mrs Crossley teaches French and German. She is an Advanced Skills Teacher and Assisrant Headteacher and provides the department with lots of new ideas to make lessons fun!
  • Mrs K Donoghue
    Mrs Donoghue is a teacher of Spanish and French in the department. She is also Learning and Achievement Leader for Year 11.
  • Mrs H Reidy
    Mrs Reidy is the new head of the Modern Languages Department. She is fun and enthusiastic and will always be listening to try out new ideas and help improve the language learning experience at Royds School. Mrs Reidy teaches French and German.
  • Mrs H Pollard
    Mrs Pollard is a highly experienced teacher of German and French. She is also the Learning and Achievement Leader for year 9.
  • Mr S Martinez
    Mr Martinez is a teacher of Spanish and French. As a Spanish native speaker Mr Martinez is a valuable member of the department.
  • Mr D Gleisner
    Mr Gleisner is a teacher of French and German. You may also know him from his work in Primary schools in the local area.
  • Miss S Alonso
    Miss Alonso is a teacher of Spanish and French. As a native Spanish speaker she adds real value to the department. You may also know Miss Alonso from her work in local Primary schools.
  • Miss M Ellis
    Miss Ellis is a teacher of Spanish and French and is also Acting Learning and Achievement leader for Year 9.
  • Miss K Wetzel
    Miss Wetzel is a new member of the Royds Modern Languages department. She is a native speaker of German and has already made valuable contributions to the department. Miss Wetzel also teaches Spanish.

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